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Initial log in / Registration in FUTURA Engineering

With the access data, which you have received by e-mail, you can log in to the system. For this purpose, you have received two e-mails containing the company login and the username in one and the initial password in the other e-mail.

You can reach the application at the following link:

To log in to the system you need:

Company login            → Identification, via which FUTURA Engineering identifies your company

Your username            → Personal username

Password                    → Initial password (new account) / Your own created password

Enter the required data in the corresponding fields and click on the "Login" button.

In the case of a newly created company account, it is necessary to first maintain the company data and thus carry out your registration. In the next step, the user account data and has to be adapted. Every user account created afterwards does only have to maintain its personal user data.

By clicking on Login, your company data will first be displayed:

Dialog box for company data maintenance


In addition to the user data, the privacy policy and the terms of use must also be confirmed.

Dialog box for user data maintenance

The next step is to set up your own password.

The password must contain at least seven characters, at least one letter and at least one digit or one of the following special characters: !? §$%&=#_-@+*


Dialog box for entering a new password

You have now successfully entered your master data and will be transferred to your personal access from FUTURA Engineering.

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