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service entries tab

On this tab you will find all already created service entries listed among each other. You now have the option of creating further entries or editing or deleting existing ones.

By double-clicking on a line or using a button, you can open a service entry.

With the help of the button , you can create a new service entry sheet.

With the help of the button , you can delete an existing service entry sheet.


The table displays the following information about a service entry among others:



Consecutive no.

Sequential number for service registrations.

Short text

Short text of the service entry, which can be filled by the supplier

SAP entry sheet no.

Service journals approved by the customer receive a number generated by SAP. If the FUTURA Engineering service entry has been divided into several LERF sheets in SAP for functional reasons, several SAP LERF no. displayed.

Final service entry

Display of whether the service recording represents a final recording (construction industry: final measurement).

Sum verified

Sum of the service entry à The sum is determined from the quantities of the inspector

Sum unverified

Sum of the service entry à The sum is determined from the quantity items list of the supplier

service entry status

Shows you the status of the service entry


The bracket shows that attachments are added, and the number indicates how many are still unread.



The sheet shows that there are comments, and the number indicates how many are still unread.

Delivery status

The delivery status shows you whether the submission of a service entry was successful, or an error occurred.

 The submission was successful.

 Submission failed

Delivery status doc.

If an error occurs, the error message is displayed at this point.


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