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Supplementary quotation via GAEB or Excel


You can also import a GAEB file to create the items list. This can be created in any GAEB software. For the import, FUTURA Engineering supports GAEB files in XML format (extension ". X82", ". X83", "X84"). In this case, you first import a DA83 file without prices (request for Quotation) and then a DA84 (Quotation submission) with your quotation prices.

To do this, select the red folder and then click on the button . Then select "Import GAEB (*. X83 request for quotation)'. After your X83 file has been successfully imported, you can then import the associated X84 file. Then select "Import GAEB (*. X84 Quotation submittal)'.


Button to import a GAEB file for a supplementary quotation


The import is also possible via Excel. For this process, we first recommend to export our import template. You can export these in the supplementary quotation. To do this, select the red folder and then click on the button . Then select "Export to Excel". You will then have a blank template with the available column options. Fill in at least one title, one short text, one quantity, one unit and the corresponding unit price "EP". The remaining columns are not mandatory fields. This is especially true for the column "OZ" (atomic numbers). Oz numbering is automatically adopted by the system during import.


Example of an excel import file


After successful import, you will see your information from the Excel file, including the prices on the interface.


View after successful import

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