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Copying services from a contract

To copy services from the contract, click on the "Add services" button.

Button to add services from a contract

In the opened window, you can search for service lines from the linked contract, enter quantities, and transfer the service lines to the entry.

Please proceed as follows:

  1. Search for a specific service item and press enter (or search button) or use the button “Display all services available”

  2. Chose service item from the list

List of items from a contract

Proceed as follows:

  1. Enter a search term (Ext. serv. no. or short text) in the search field. The services found are displayed in a list. When entering a service number, it is sufficient to enter it without points (e.g., instead of 45.12.0010 only 45120010). With the option Search in you can narrow your search so that only in the order Items list or only in the contract Items list is searched.

  2. With the help of the button “Arrow/A-Z” on the right side of the search button, you can also display all available services (from order / contract).

  3. Select the desired service line from the search result. (You can open the long text of the service using the yellow sheet symbol in the column "LT")

  4. Enter the quantity for the service line. By clicking on the formula icon, you can define a quantity approach for calculating the quantity.

  5. Press the "Apply" button.

  6. The selected power is transferred to the cache with the recorded quantity and displayed below the quantity field.

  7. Now accept further service lines according to steps 1-5. Finally, click on the "OK" button, the service lines are now transferred to the entry and displayed in the table.


The search list also lists service lines that have already been adopted into the entry. In this case, the quantity already entered is displayed in the quantity field and can be corrected if necessary.


Fast handling:

Ideally (e.g., if external service numbers are unique), you do not need mouse operation to record several services. (Entry of a service number ENTER Entry of the quantity ENTER Entry of the next service number ENTER Entry of the quantity, etc.).


Assignment to a purchase order item:

If the purchase order is subdivided into several purchase order items, a selection menu with the possible purchase order items appears next to the quantity input field. Select the desired purchase order item to which you want to assign the entered service line, and then press "Apply". The service line is then assigned to the selected purchase order item.


Quantity via formula:

Click the formula character next to the quantity field to maintain a quantity approach. The result is transferred to the quantity field after saving.



The entered services including quantity are only transferred to the service entry when you close the window with "OK".

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